Award: Diploma in Street Photography Distinction
A photograph is a story told!
I’m Sara Melhuish, 44 and originally from Sweden – moved over to London in 1995 for what I thought was only 3-6 months to learn the language and pull a few pints, little did I know I would be here nearly 22 years later with a lovely husband and daughter.
I have always enjoyed photography and my parents always said I had a good eye but it’s in the last 7 years that it has become a huge part of my life, and it moved rapidly from being a hobby to ‘actually maybe I can do this for a living’ and now I am freelancing in combination with a ‘normal’ Monday to Thursday job to keep the wolf from the door.
I initially captured a lot of classic locations in London, architecture, landscapes but also macro and portraits. With time though I found that my true passion is street photography and living in London, I feel like I have found the holy grail.
So much hustle and bustle on the doorstep with perfectly normal and mundane moments of people just getting on with their day to day life captured to show something simply beautiful. Sometimes the shot falls into your lap, but sometimes you have to position yourself and wait for the perfect movement.
I am also very fascinated by street art and the gritty areas of London that have not been gentrified and beautified especially the East End and parts of Camden, so I spend a lot of time there and try to show and incorporate that in my street photography and blog.
I always strive to better my self and move forward hence doing the Diploma in Street Photography which I thoroughly enjoyed, especially as we got challenged module by module and the final assignment was excellent. I have also done the Advanced Diploma in Photography to ensure I technically improved as well.
I have two sets of kit.
For professional jobs, I use my Nikon 7100D with either a 35mm or 50mm prime, mo flash as I only work with natural light. I also have a couple of zoom lenses for travel and landscapes.
For my street photography I use a Fujifilm x-series with a 35mm prime, it fits snuggly in my handbag so is with me all day every day to and from work – you never know what you will come across.
My website is www.smphotography.lond