I started photography at a time of great stress and anxiety and quickly found that when I looked through a viewfinder the world calmed down and found some order. Consequently, I became interested in the psychological aspects of image-making, and I try to bring into my photography something beyond what the world looks like (though it can look pretty interesting!) and “focus” on what it feels like.
I found myself drawn to black and white photography, and noticed that while digital imaging would remind me of what a scene looked like, film, by contrast, reminded me of what the “decisive moment” felt like. So, I shoot mainly b&w film, and the only digital camera I use now is the first iteration of the Leica Monochrom, which often gets me close to the film experience.
The Diploma in Professional Photography has helped me take photography more seriously, and I particularly appreciated the discussions with the Course Director, who gently pushed me into places I really did want to go to. I am now working towards my first exhibition (along with seven other film photographers) and am formulating plans for publishing some of my images in zine/book form.
I have undertaken a year-long project of my local river in Edinburgh, which is proving to be very rewarding, and I will from now on most likely engage in projects, rather than shooting anything that does or doesn’t move.
In short…I’ve found my path.
You can see more of Rob’s work here and here.
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