My photography journey started in late 2014. I had bought a Sony a37 almost on a whim as it was heavily discounted.
The idea being that if I enjoyed photography as a creative outlet, I would keep the camera, if not, I could always sell the camera on without too much of a financial loss.
Suffice to say I was quickly hooked!
The problem though was that I did not have enough knowledge to achieve the results that I envisaged in my mind’s eye!
After some research, I decided to enrol in the IOP® Diploma in Photography course. I chose this course as I was a complete novice and this course was pitched just right as far as my knowledge of photography was concerned.
After passing the course, I decided to practice what I had learnt before progressing to the Advanced Diploma course. I enjoyed both courses, and I am proud that I managed to pass with a Distinction in this advanced course.
Having a better understanding of my camera has had an enormous impact on the amount of enjoyment that I get from this hobby.
It has also given me the confidence to push myself further, working with models in both the studio environment and on location. This is something that I wouldn’t have considered a year ago.
See more of Pete’s work at