My name is Leslie Simmons and I am a self-employed Gardener from Royal Leamington Spa in Warwickshire.
I first became interested in photography in the early ‘80s when I bought my first camera (a Zenith Photosniper Kit) from a mail-order catalogue and set about learning all I could from books and magazines.
Then in 1990 I met and married a non-photographer and my camera ended up spending more time in my bag than it did in my hand so the “Digital Revolution” passed me by.
In 2006 I bought a digital compact camera for a trip to Sicily as a back up to my 35mm kit but also to see what all the fuss was about. This despite never having even used a computer at the time (thank God for Jessops).
In 2012 I finally bought a DSLR and since then have spent far too much time and money on photography and WAY too much time on a computer!
Most of my knowledge comes from the early days but various workshops and courses have helped with the transition to digital.
My main interests are Landscape and Wildlife but I enjoy trying other genres although I don’t “do” people generally.
See more of Leslie’s work here