I started photography aged 15 when everything was manual so gained a very good grounding in the fundamentals of the exposure triangle even though I didn’t know that’s what it was called. I believe it is the cornerstone of taking a good image and something that is more difficult to learn in the digital age and should be emphasized more.
I’ve had a deep love for black and white photography since aged 19 and now specialise in this and used it for the entirety of my Photography Coaching Experience course. This course has also helped me find my niche of Urban Landscapes.
I had struggled to get the look I was after in many shots in part due to the 1.5 crop using a DX body and so making it difficult to get a true wide angle. Things really came together when I invested in an 11-16mm ultra wide angle lens and now I can see all those shots I had in my head but was unable to realise.
You can see more of Andy’s work here