Simon Lane
Completed Dec 2023
Rating: 5 out of 5
What did you enjoy most about the Professional Diploma in Photography course?
The breadth of topics. Although I prefer landscape and astronomical (especially aurora) photography, it was very helpful to broaden my knowledge. I used to be very wary of portrait photography, for example, and now I feel I am at least competent.
What could we improve?
Not sure. Composition and favourable lighting are so important for best results, but these are emphasized already. I guess it might be fun to see the same photograph taken in various ways and for you to select which one “works” the best and why.
Has the Final Assignment feedback helped your photography?
Yes, it has been very helpful. I think I sometimes struggle to remember what is in the viewfinder and not the wider view the eye sees is what counts. I’m getting better at reviewing a mental checklist of things to consider, but I can still improve. My Nikon D810 is arguably too good for me, and I don’t think I get the best from it sometimes.
Any other feedback?
I like the relaxed pace of the Professional Diploma in Photography course, although I should really have completed it more quickly; the pandemic didn’t help here. Next, I want to improve my processing ability. I use Photoshop Elements, but I’m considering getting a Lightroom license.