IOP student Phil Jones tells us a bit about himself and his thoughts on the Advanced Diploma in Photography course.
Tell us about yourself Phil….
“I am really a self taught photographer and have had an interest in photography since I was a youngster, but most of my life has been spent on a rugby pitch. I knew that I would be unable to play forever and I knew I would need something to fill the big hole that would be left in my life when I stopped playing. Photography was the answer and I decided to do the IOP course and see how much I didn’t know.
In 1965 I was given a Brownie camera by my Dad and took a sunset photograph at the Calf of Man, where we were on holiday. Having just taken that shot, the Red Arrows came over and landed at Ronaldsway Airport so my dad took me down and my love of aviation photography was born. I’ve been hooked ever since, but more recently I began to realise that there was more to photography than aircraft. I teamed up with a photography friend and we began doing landscape work, wildlife and weddings.
My real passion at the moment lies with Wildlife (birds particularly) and my love for the Lake District still inspires me to do landscape work in the mountains. In the summer months, you will find me looking for low level flying Military aircraft. I joined Wigan Photographic Society to get experience of club photography and the Royal Photographic Society whom I hope to gain accreditation with in the future.”
Did you enjoy the course you did with the IOP?
“From the moment I signed up to the IOP course, I couldn’t leave it alone. Every available spare moment was used to do an assignment and many times I have looked at the clock to find it was 1am! I became thoroughly immersed in the course.
The feedback from the tutor was superb. It was balanced,professional,advisory, complimentary and critical where needed.
Did I learn anything? Too right I did. I see the world through different eyes now. My favourite expression these days is “There isn’t a bad day for photography. When it’s dull and grey, it’s a monochrome day”.
I attend the students “Online Chat” every Wednesday at 8pm on the course platform and I would encourage all the students to do the same. You will learn things and you will be able to communicate with photographers of all ages and experience, ask questions and perhaps provide answers too. You may even make new friends. I am meeting up with a fellow IOP student at the Photography show at the NEC in Birmingham next month purely as a reult of the IOP Camera Club forums, so try it and dont be shy!”
See more of Phil’s exceptional work here.
Enrol on an IOP course today…